My research is on the strategies used by firms to manage knowledge, both in tangible form (as embodied in intellectual property) and intangible form (as possessed by inventors and scientists).
My projects have included a study on knowledge brokering by biotechnology startups (with David Hsu), the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the productivity of inventors (with Rahul Kapoor), the effects of different types of star scientists on firms (with Annapoornima Subramaniam and Pek-Hooi Soh), and the role of intellectual property and complementary assets in the competition among wireless telecommunications firms (with He Zilin and Poh-kam Wong).
Current projects explore the career choices of scientist, imprinting effects on founders, and the impact of AI adoption.
In 2000, I founded the NUS Patent Database and am its Principal Investigator. It is now the NUS-MBS Patent Database.
Quinn Ye, Helen Hu, Kwanghui Lim and Dean Xu (2023), The Imprinting Effects of Great Leap Forward and Great Famine on CEOs' Innovation Orientation, Academy of Management Conference, Boston (session on Leadership and Innovation), Aug 2023.
Yangyang Deng, Kwanghui Lim and Liang Chen (2023), Al in Innovation: How Does Al Impact Recombinant Complexity?, Academy of Management Conference, Boston (session on AI and Creativity), Aug 2023.
Ozlem Ozkok, Simon J Bell, Jagdip Singh, Kwanghui Lim. (2021, December) Social networks and service employee innovativeness; ANZMAC 2021, Australia. Best Paper Award (Service Marketing Track).
Pek-Hooi Soh, Kwanghui Lim and Annapoornima M. Subramanian, Technology and Market Relatedness of Corporate Venture Capital Investments at the Portfolio Level. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Aug 2019.
Michael Rowley Falk, Brandon Lee and Kwanghui Lim, Bound by Rules: The Extra-Jurisdictional Effects of Regulation and Social Norms, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Aug 2019. Presented by Michael.
Andalón, Ginther, de Fontenay, and Lim, Career Prospects in Academic Science and The Rise of Teamwork. AIEA-NBER Conference, Singapore, Aug 2019. Presented by Mabel Andalón.
Falk, Lim and Richardson, Design Innovation, Design Rights and the Allocation of Design Labour. EPIP Conference special session on Design Innovation and Industrial Design Protection, Zurich, Sep 2019. Presented by Michael Falk.
IPRIA Workshop on Design Services with IP Australia and other Partners (with Megan Richardon and Michael Falk), July 2018.
Pek-hooi Soh, Kwanghui Lim and Annapoornima M. Subramanian (2017), How Do Technological and Market Relatedness of Corporate Venture Capital Investments Affect Strategic Outcomes? Asia Pacific Innovation Conference. New Zealand, Dec 2017.
Ruanyi, Kwanghui Lim and Yingyi Tsai, draft presented at the 2017 Management Education and Learning Writers Workshop, Academy of Management Conference PDW. USA, Aug 2017.
Kwanghui Lim and Don O'Sullivan (2017), Is There a Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Trademarking Activity?, Trademarks Conference, University of Melbourne, Feb 2017.
Michael Falk, Kwanghui Lim and Don O'Sullivan (2015), Relationship Formation in the Market for Design Services. DRUID Asia Conference. Feb 2016.
Michael Falk, Kwanghui Lim and Don O'Sullivan (2015), Relationship Formation in the Market for Design Services. UNSW Asia-Pacific Strategy, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship (SIE) Symposium. 20 Sep 2015.
Michael Falk, Kwanghui Lim and Don O'Sullivan (2015), Relationship Formation in the Market for Design Services. Wharton Technology & Innovation Conference. April 2015.
Michael Falk, Kwanghui Lim and Don O'Sullivan (2015), The Market for Design: Insights from Interviews with Australian Firms. Design for Business Research Conference. Melbourne, May 2015.
Michael Falk, Kwanghui Lim and Don O'Sullivan (2014), The Market for Design: Insights from Interviews with Australian Firms. Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, Sydney. November 2014.
Catherine de Fontenay and Kwanghui Lim, The Deteriorating Career Prospects of Scientists, 4th Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, Taipei. December 2013. Also presented at the Harvard Business School (2014)
Kwanghui Lim, Combining Qualitative Fieldwork with Economic Research (using examples from our Scientific Careers project). Dept of Applied Economics Research Seminar, Kaohsiung National University, Taiwan. December 2013.
Kwanghui Lim, Combining Qualitative Fieldwork with Economic Research (using examples from our Scientific Careers project). IEEE & DETM Research Seminar, National University of Singapore, November 2013.
Catherine de Fontenay and Kwanghui Lim, The Deteriorating Career Prospects of Scientists, Academy of Management Conference, Florida, August 2013.
Co-organizer and Chair (with Michael Roach), Professional Development Workshop on Patent Data in Research, Academy of Management Conference, Florida, August 2013.
Annapoornima Subramaniam, Kwanghui Lim and Pek-hooi Soh, Scientific Human Capital, R&D Alliances and the Patent Performance of Biotechnology Firms, Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, Korea, October 2012.
Catherine de Fontenay and Kwanghui Lim, The Deteriorating Career Prospects of Scientists, Econometrics Australasia Conference, Melbourne, July 2012.
Catherine de Fontenay and Kwanghui Lim, The Deteriorating Career Prospects of Scientists, North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, in Evanston Illinois, June 28 to July 1, 2012. Presented by Catherine.
Speaker, Professional Development Workshop on Patent Research, Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, August 2011.
Scientific Careers, 2nd Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, Singapore, May 2011. 
Research on the Management of Innovation (plus an overview of the Scientific Careers project), TIES 50th Anniversary Research Conference in celebration of MIT's 150th Anniversary, Cambridge, MA. 1 April, 2011. 
Annapoornima Subramaniam, Kwanghui Lim and Pek-hooi Soh (2011), Intellectual Human Capital and the Innovation Performance of Biotechnology Firms, NUS Research Seminar, Jan 2011. Singapore.
Annapoornima Subramaniam, Kwanghui Lim and Pek-hooi Soh (2010), "Intellectual Human Capital, Strategic Alliances and the Innovation Performance of Biotechnology Firms", AGSM/ASB Research Workshop, UNSW, Sydney (Dec).
Scientific Careers, National University of Singapore RISE Conference, May 2010.
David Hsu and Kwanghui Lim, Knowledge Brokering paper, AARES Conference, Adelaide (2010).
Wenyue Zhuang, Kwanghui Lim and Poh-Kam Wong (2010),Signals for Evaluating External Knowledge: A Study of How Firms Search for Knowledge Across Organizational and National Boundaries, Pacific Rim Innovation Conference.
Speaker, Professional Development Workshop on Measuring Knowledge Flows using Patent and Non-Patent Data, Academy of Management Conference 2009.
Pek-hooi Soh and Kwanghui Lim (2009),The Effect of Corporate Venture Capital on the Production of Knowledge, Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
Annapoornima Subramaniam, Kwanghui Lim and Pek-hooi Soh (2009), Intellectual Human Capital and Strategic Alliances: Complements or Substitutes?, INFORMS Conference, San Diego.
Organizer and Co-chair (with Riitta Katila), Professional Development Workshop on Measuring Knowledge Flows using Patent and Non-Patent Data, Academy of Management Conference, 2008.
Wenyue Zhuang, Kwanghui Lim and Poh-kam Wong (2008), Old Technological Capability and New Technology Adoption: Firm’s Technology Portfolio Management during Technological Transitions, Academy of Management Conference (Anaheim) and Academy of International Business Conference (Milan).
Wenyue Zhuang, Kwanghui Lim and Poh-Kam Wong (2008),Knowledge Search and its Effects on the International Diffusion of Knowledge: Evidence from Information Storage Technology Patents, Academy of International Business Conference.
Kwanghui Lim and Brian Cu (2007), The Effects of Social Networks on Venture Capitalist Advice and Monitoring, Academy of Management Conference.
Wenyue Zhuang, Kwanghui Lim and Poh-Kam Wong (2007), Why does some knowledge diffuse faster and more broadly than other: evidence from patenting in the field of information storage technology, ISMOT Conference 2007 (Best Paper Award). 
Wenyue Zhuang, Kwanghui Lim and Poh-Kam Wong (2006),Do High Impact Innovations Diffuse Faster and More Widely than Low Impact Innovations? Evidence from Magnetic Recording Technology Patents, Academy of Management Conference.
Organizer and Co-chair (with Lee Fleming), Professional Development Workshop on Methodologies for Research on Knowledge Flows, Academy of Management Conference 2005.
Rahul Kapoor and Kwanghui Lim (2005), The Impact of Acquisitions on the Innovation Performance of Inventors at Semiconductor Companies, Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Conference. Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee.
Co-organizer (With Rosemarie Ziedonis), Symposium on Start-ups, Established Firms and the Commercialization of New Technologies, Academy of Management Conference 2004.
David Hsu and Kwanghui Lim (2004), Knowledge Bridging by Biotechnology Start-ups, Academy of Management Conference. Also presented at the EPFL Conference 2005 (Switzerland), UCLA/Oxford University Empirical Research in Entrepreneurship Conference 2005 and research seminars at Harvard Business School, University of Maryland, Melbourne Business School, MIT, AGSM/UNSW, NUS and Wharton.
Zilin He, Kwanghui Lim and Pohkam Wong (2004), Snakes and Ladders: The Dynamics of Knowledge Dependence between Incumbents and Entrants in the Wireless Communications Industry, IEEE Intl Eng and Mgt Conference.
Kwanghui Lim and Hank Chesbrough (2002), Comparative Models of Organizing Industrial Research: Evidence from IBM and Intel, Academy of Management Conference.
Kwanghui Lim (2001), Basic Research, Applied Research and Innovation in the Semiconductor and Pharmaceutical Industries, Wharton Technology Conference.
Kwanghui Lim (2000), The Relationship between Publications and Patents by Researchers at Five Companies, MIT Sloan Working Paper 4120, Academy of Management Conference (2001).
Kwanghui Lim (1999), Do Firms Have to Perform Basic Research In Order to Capture Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from the Semiconductor and Pharmaceutical Industries, CCC Doctoral Consortium 1999, New York. Also presented at the NBER Productivity Lunch and MIT Innovation Seminar.
Kwanghui Lim (1997), Incomplete Contracts and User-Innovation in the ASIC Industry, Second Year Research Paper, MIT. Presented at the CCC Doctoral Consortium 1997.
Himawan Gunadhi, Kwanghui Lim and Wee-Yong Yeong, (1995) PACE: A Planning Advisor on Curriculum and Enrollment, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-28), January, 1995.
Kwanghui Lim, Lawrence Loh and Tan Tin Wee (1995), Commerce on The Internet: The Case of Stocknet, First Singapore WWW Conference.
Discussant, AIEA-NBER Conference Sydney, August 2024.
Co-chair, Entrepreneurship & InnovationTrack, ANZMAC Conference, Melbourne 2021.
Chair, Session on Technological Change: New Technological Paradigms, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, August 2019.
Faculty mentor and discussant, STR Division Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, August 2019.
Discussant, AIEA-NBER Conference, Kuala Lumpur, August 2018.
Faculty mentor, Technology and Innovation Management Division Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2016.
Discussant, Paper session on Intellectual Property Strategy: Protection Choices. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2016.
Session Chair and Discussant, DRUID Asia Conference. Singapore, Feb 2016.
Co-organizer, IPRIA/CMCL IP & Media Law Conference 2015. Chair, panel on innovation. Discussant, Roundtable on The Future of IP Research.
Moderator, Session on Corporate Innovation, Design for Business Research Conference. Melbourne, May 2015.
Chair, Session on The Role of the Internal or External Environment on Dynamic Capabilities, Strategic Management Society Sydney Conference 2014.
Chair, Session on Intellectual and other Property Rights, Academy of Management Conference 2013, Florida.
Chair, Session on Company Strategy, Pacific Rim Innovation Conference 2010.
Co-organizer and member of Scientific Committee, Pacific Rim Innovation Conference 2010.
Chair, Session on Knowledge Protection and Patent Wars, Academy of Management Conference 2009.
Best Reviewer Award, BPS Division, Academy of Management Conference 2008.
Chair, Session on Technological Positioning, Innovation and Imitation, Academy of Management Conference 2008.
Discussant, Session on Strategy, Technology and Innovation, Academy of Management Conference 2008.
Faculty Mentor, BPS Division Dissertation Consortium, Academy of Management Conference 2008.
Panelist, Session on Knowledge Diffusion, Australian Business Higher-Education Roundtable on Innovation Conference, September 2008.
Chair, Session on Intellectual Property, World IP Day University Innovation Showcase, April 2007.
Discussant, Session on Interorganizational Networks, Academy of Management Conference 2007.
Discussant, Session on Technology Entrepreneurship, Academy of Management Conference 2007.
Co-chair (with T.S. Durrani), Session on Technology Strategy , IEEE Intl Engineering Management Conference, Oct 2004.
Chair, Session on Technology Strategy: Assessing the Value of R&D, Academy of Management Conference 2004.
Session on Intellectual Property Strategies and Open Innovation (with Ashish Arora), Academy of Management Professional Development Workshop, August 2004.